Thursday, December 18, 2014

Google Cloud SQL

Hello CPCC REACH IT BI classmates.

Has anybody had any exposure to Google Cloud SQL?

Google Cloud Platform

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Big Data for Marketers

What is big data?  For the benefit of a variety of devices:

  • Volumes of data that can't be contained in traditional data centers
  • Enough data to make things VERY PERSONALIZED 
  • Business silos will disappear! 
  • Marketers will become business ethicists
What Big Data Means For Marketers image Big Data is Valuable to Marketers.png 300x210

Monday, November 10, 2014

President Obama... thank you...

Mr President, thank you.  I am surfing the net at the local library as an under -employed individual.  Internet access is a free privilege at many libraries across America.

Myself and many other users at homes, libraries, colleges, and small businesses across America don't realize how you will sustain our rights... as internet users... to have the same access and speeds... as all other users.

Thank you for your clear and powerful statement (linked below) to stand up for REAL Net Neutrality!

+Marc Czarnecki

Saturday, September 20, 2014

4 Research-Backed Ways to Build Great Work Habits

Easy summary to build great work habits:

1) Start small with a single task (drink more water, get organized)
    • Feel silly about not doing it
    • Build the habit
2) Stack habits
    • Increase exercise
    • Strengthen work relationships
    • Read more
3) Make it obvious
    • Drink less soda
    • Exercise at lunch
    • Leave work on time

4) Reward yourself

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Break the rules... I will try harder

Summary of 10 rules to break:

  1. Use of "I" on resume
  2. Listing tasks and duties on resume.  Instead, tell the positives of what I left in each job
  3. Pitching resume to black hole of an automated career portal
  4. No direct contact with hiring manager
  5. Reporting salary history
  6. Answering interview questions like 'a goo little sheepie'
  7. Hand over job reference before establishing a strong mutual interest
  8. Pleasing people unnecessarily
  9. 3 day or less interview followup
  10. Employers are in the driver's seat

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sunday, July 27, 2014

90% of all the data in the world has been generated in the past two years

Build more harddrives?

No, we do need software to manage our current data and business intelligence data archival rules.

Google Drive classes available at Mitchell Community College

Web Tech Czarnecki is teaching Google Drive classes on both:
  • Monday, 8/18 - 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.  
  • Monday, 10/20 - 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.  

Discover free and simple web tools.  
Learn the fundamentals of Google Drive, Docs, and Sheet including how to upload, create, and edit files in Google Drive through a Web browser. 
A Gmail account is required.

See the catalog link below for details on how to sign-up.  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The State of the Power Influencer

We are all voices influential bloggers; although most of us do not transcribe to a blogger tool.

Consider making a blog from your passion.

And CPCC ReachIT associates, note the impactful image below.  It is full of Business Intelligence - Data Visualization via an infographic.

It is easy you can grow a blog and hopefully one day we will have revenue streams from it.

Read more at;postID=4981211393434528418

Monday, July 14, 2014

Microsoft store coming to Charlotte

Full Microsoft store is opening at Southpark Mall... later this year.

Aisle store is currently open.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Uber D.C. Customers 'Kidnapped'

Uber and Lyft are ride share programs (competition to the taxi industry) that conveniently provide smartphone apps to coordinate pickup and payment of their service.  
Read more on how this Uber ride went very wrong in D.C.:  

I looked into the rollout of Lyft as a potential side job in NC and found:
  • No service in the Mooresville area (yet)
  • Charlotte uptown area had a high demand for the services, especially on Friday evenings.,2817,2460678,00.asp?mailingID=E6BAD76ADF0EDC2888B3C6DDDED64938

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Business Intelligence Market Shifts from and SQL Magazine

How does analytics differ from business intelligence? 

Analytics means interacting with information at the speed of business, continuous iterative data exploration, and fact-based decision making using statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory, predictive and prescriptive modeling. 

Analytics is closely related to operational management science. 

Where traditional business intelligence was historically focused on measuring past performance with querying, reporting, OLAP, and dashboards answering what happened, how many, how often and where type questions. 

Analytics strives to answer why, and forward looking questions such as what if these trends continue, what will happen next, and what is the best that can happen?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Zinnia Czarnecki

What do home grown zinnias and business intelligence have in common?  I needed a professional haircut for interviews, but funds are tight!  Not expecting a discount, I took a bouquet of zinnias to my hair stylists.  At checkout, I was delighted to receive a discounted haircut.   Now I'm considering taking a bouquet of flowers on my next interview.   Unexpected smiles are priceless.     :)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Power BI supports Excel workbooks up to 250Mb. Wow!

Large Power BI file?  Power BI can support up to 250Mb workbooks.  Excel for Office 365 normally supports only 10Mb worksheets.  Use SharePoint to collaborate that whopper file!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

AlwaysOn Availability Groups (SQL Server) 
Many thanks to Microsoft, TEK Systems, and SQL Sentry for another great presentation at the Lake Norman Charlotte-SQL group meeting.  Today's topic was new to me... SQL Server 'AlwaysOn'.  The Microsoft Support team provided details of common questions on this topic.  I hope to see more REACH IT folks at the next Charlotte-SQL meetings.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Window into Windowing Functions-SQL

Many thanks to Jana and his outstanding presentation of  "Querying in the 21st century – A Window into Windowing" at the Charlotte MS Office.

Also many thanks to Tek Systems, SQL Sentry, and Microsoft for facilitating this Charlotte SQL Server User Group Meeting.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

BIG - Power of Excel Business Analytics

Power of Excel Business Analytics - Daniel Stiefel, Practical Analytics Services

I attended a feature presentation at Charlotte's Business Innovation & Growth (BIG) meeting today.  Daniel presented 'Preparing the Knowledge Worker of Tomorrow... Today (the Power of Excel for Business Analytics

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Certified... Microsoft Office Specialist - Excel 2013

Marc has just joined the Microsoft Office Specialist program and achieved the Microsoft® Office Specialist certification in Excel 2013.

This Microsoft certification tells the world that he has demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft Office and has joined a global community of distinguished achievers.

Certification helps advance career prospects by giving them a competitive edge.

Many individuals seek certifications based on globally recognized standards to increase their own personal sense of accomplishment, to establish themselves as leaders in their fields, and to demonstrate their skill sets in a competitive job market.

Monday, May 12, 2014

It is official... my REACH IT Business Intelligence Certificate

My CPCC REACH IT (Regional Effort to Advance Charlotte Information Technology) Certificate of Completion 
for the Data / Report Analyst track.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

CBIG ETL Presentation at Microsoft Way

Tonight the Charlotte Business Intelligence Group (CBIG) met at the Microsoft Charlotte office.

Member of the REACH IT class were also present and were further reminded of Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) - Avoiding Costly Mistakes.
Rafael Salas informs CBIG how to avoid costly ETL mistakes
Costly ETL mistakes include:

  • Poor BI exception handling
  • Inadequate logging
  • Lack of sufficient and timely notifications and alerts
  • Over coupling / making ETL too complex
Thank you for the sponsors of this programming.  

Learn more about CBIG at 

Also, the group was challenged by Marc to become 'Net Neutrality' savvy.  See Marc's Web Technology blog at .

Monday, May 5, 2014

Validate your feelings with BI

We want to make effective decisions in life.

BI helps validate our 'gut feeling.'

Reference 'The Way Humans Think'

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Carolina Code Bootcamp 2014 - CPCC Levine Campus

  • Geo Spatial Data... check
  • Bootstrap 101... check
  • DAX Patterns... check
  • Data Management & Data Warehousing... check
  • Big Data's Deal... check

Above are only a small portion of the Carolina Code Camp 2014 sessions that I could attend.

Hundreds of Code Camp Attendees

DAX Patterns for Everyday Use - Javier Guillen

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Microsoft Technology Associate - Certified in Database Fundamentals

A fundamental... the MTA or Microsoft Technology Associate certification in databases.

It is a recommended entry point for IT certification and job preparation.

In late April, I was one of several REACH IT students that furthered our careers in information technology.

It validates our core knowledge of databases, the foundation of business intelligence.

According to Certiport, MTA is an industry-recognized certification for those pursuing a career path in IT infrastructure, database design, or software development using Microsoft technologies.

Monday, April 7, 2014

BI Core

BI Applications and the Core
BI tools comprise a series of applications that enable organizations to make better decisions by providing accurate, dependable, consistent, and understandable data and reports in a useful format.

Basically, BI means:

  • getting the right information to the right people 
  • at the right time 
  • to support better decision-making and 
  • gain competitive advantage.

What will the market size be in the future?

What will be the growth rate be?
What are the key market trends?
What is driving this market?
What are the challenges to market growth?
Who are the key vendors in this market space?
What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?


Friday, April 4, 2014 > my courses >> Certificates of Completion...'Share' to your LinkedIn Certificates

Easily Publish a Certificate to LinkedIn

My CPCC REACH IT co-students and I are encouraged to utilize courses.

Upon completion of a course, you can easily 'share' the certificate of completion with LinkedIn (as seen in the screen shots below). 'share':